Reporting Period: January 2015 – February 2017

[Table of Contents]

  • From the Secretariat
  • A Message from the President
  • The Ten Principles of UNGC

I. Introduction of IBREA

  1. About IBREA
  2. Vision and Mission
  3. Structure of the Organization
  4. Decision Making
  5. History

II. Communication with the Stakeholders

  1. Key Stakeholders and Communication Channels
  2. Key Reporting Issues through the Materiality Assessment

III. What is Brain Education?

  1. Why the Brain is Key for the Future of Humanity, ‘Brain’
  2. 21st-Century Information Society, Effect on the Human Brain
  3. Human Technology, Brain Education
  4. Sustainability Development Goals and Brain Education

IV. Activities

  1. Program Achievements at a Glance in 2015-2016 4
  2. Brain Education Global Solidarity
    • Asian Youth International Exchange Project
    • The First Earth Citizen Peace Festival
    • International Brain HSP Olympiad (IHSPO)
  3. Inter-sector Implementation Consulting
    • Interdisciplinary Research & Development for Brain Education-based Global Citizenship Education
    • Earth Citizenship Education Seminar
    • Benjamin Gap Year Global Citizenship Youth Instructors Workshop
  4. Spread of Information on Brain Education
    • Nationwide Brain Education Seminar Commemorating International Brain Awareness Week
    • Publication of Brain Magazine

V. Sustainability Issues on Management

  1. Financial Transparency
  2. Stable and Effective Fundraising
  3. Donor Management
